What We Do

Do You Know What SCAMPP Does? SCAMPP's organizational needs and newsletters are funded through membership dues. SCAMPP's newsletter is packed full of informational articles, veterinary articles, event photos and reports, personal piggy stories, announcements, pigs available for adoption and much more. To sign up for our newsletter, please click here. SCAMPP participates in various Pet Expos, Pet Fairs, Community Events and Adoption Events in which we are able to collect donations so that we can donate funds to potbellied pig rescues and sanctuaries as funds allow. SCAMPP also helps with spaying and neutering donations of rescued and shelter pigs as funds allow. SCAMPP is available for Educational Presentations, Kiss the Pig Events, Fundraisers, Parades, Educational Community Events, School Events, Birthday Parties, Weddings, TV/Movie Filming, Commercials, etc. Please E-Mail info@scampp.com for more info. Our sole purpose for doing events is to educate the public about the true size, characteristics, proper needs and proper care of potbellied pigs. The events are also an avenue to promote adoption and rescue of potbellied pigs versus buying from breeders. We believe that buying from breeders encourages further breeding of more pigs which tend to eventually end up in shelters and sanctuaries, so we would rather see existing homeless pigs find homes instead of bringing more pigs into the world. We do not discriminate. We will never ask your race, your religious beliefs, your political views or your sexual preference, nor will we ask you what your "diet" is; we do not believe these things to be any of our business. We are in this organization for the love of the potbellied pigs .... period!
© 2004 - 2025 Designed by Wimberly’s Web Works

What We Do

© 2004 - 2025 Designed by Wimberly’s Web Works
Do You Know What SCAMPP Does? SCAMPP's organizational needs and newsletters are funded through membership dues. SCAMPP's newsletter is packed full of informational articles, veterinary articles, event photos and reports, personal piggy stories, announcements, pigs available for adoption and much more. To sign up for our newsletter, please click here. SCAMPP participates in various Pet Expos, Pet Fairs, Community Events and Adoption Events in which we are able to collect donations so that we can donate funds to potbellied pig rescues and sanctuaries as funds allow. SCAMPP also helps with spaying and neutering donations of rescued and shelter pigs as funds allow. SCAMPP is available for Educational Presentations, Kiss the Pig Events, Fundraisers, Parades, Educational Community Events, School Events, Birthday Parties, Weddings, TV/Movie Filming, Commercials, etc. Please E- Mail info@scampp.com for more info. Our sole purpose for doing events is to educate the public about the true size, characteristics, proper needs and proper care of potbellied pigs. The events are also an avenue to promote adoption and rescue of potbellied pigs versus buying from breeders. We believe that buying from breeders encourages further breeding of more pigs which tend to eventually end up in shelters and sanctuaries, so we would rather see existing homeless pigs find homes instead of bringing more pigs into the world. We do not discriminate. We will never ask your race, your religious beliefs, your political views or your sexual preference, nor will we ask you what your "diet" is; we do not believe these things to be any of our business. We are in this organization for the love of the potbellied pigs .... period!

What We Do

Do You Know What SCAMPP Does? SCAMPP's organizational needs and newsletters are funded through membership dues. SCAMPP's newsletter is packed full of informational articles, veterinary articles, event photos and reports, personal piggy stories, announcements, pigs available for adoption and much more. To sign up for our newsletter, please click here. SCAMPP participates in various Pet Expos, Pet Fairs, Community Events and Adoption Events in which we are able to collect donations so that we can donate funds to potbellied pig rescues and sanctuaries as funds allow. SCAMPP also helps with spaying and neutering donations of rescued and shelter pigs as funds allow. SCAMPP is available for Educational Presentations, Kiss the Pig Events, Fundraisers, Parades, Educational Community Events, School Events, Birthday Parties, Weddings, TV/Movie Filming, Commercials, etc. Please E-Mail info@scampp.com for more info. Our sole purpose for doing events is to educate the public about the true size, characteristics, proper needs and proper care of potbellied pigs. The events are also an avenue to promote adoption and rescue of potbellied pigs versus buying from breeders. We believe that buying from breeders encourages further breeding of more pigs which tend to eventually end up in shelters and sanctuaries, so we would rather see existing homeless pigs find homes instead of bringing more pigs into the world. We do not discriminate. We will never ask your race, your religious beliefs, your political views or your sexual preference, nor will we ask you what your "diet" is; we do not believe these things to be any of our business. We are in this organization for the love of the potbellied pigs .... period!
© 2004 - 2025 Designed by Wimberly’s Web Works